
Monday, June 28, 2010

Week of 6/27

It's Sunday again! People were probably busy this week, it's cool. However this week's Sketch of the Week is:

Time Machine

Speaking of, Sketch of the Week can be submitted anytime throughout the summer. If you have any sketch prompt ideas, comment below.

By the way... I realize I have yet to post anything to this, my desktop caught a virus and the scanner doesn't work with my laptop. Should be fixed soon.


  1. XD I've been so busy I haven't even posted my own prompt! haha. Never fear, it will come soon. Oh we should also do a character design challenge for a prompt. i think that'd fun.

  2. Yes I was busy this week as well. We could incorporate the character design challenge into this piece if people wanted.

  3. D: I am not getting as much done as I feel like I should because security keeps kicking me out at Monty.

    SCAD summer is fail.

  4. I won't be posting today, but I am working on a pretty big idea. I will post it as soon as it's finished!
